شىنجاڭدىن غەززەگىچە

شىنجاڭدىن غەززەگىچە

ماھانىغا رەھمەت ، ئۇ ئامېرىکا زۇڭتۇڭلۇقىنىڭ کاندىداتى بولدى
شىنجاڭدىن غەززەگىچە

شىنجاڭدىن غەززەگىچە

ماھانىغا رەھمەت ، ئۇ ئامېرىکا زۇڭتۇڭلۇقىنىڭ کاندىداتى بولدى

فرشتگان قصاب و قاتل آمریکایی

By Sunshine Li, China

Letter to receivers:

Ladies and gentlemen,

Attached please find my 1-year study of the deadly COVID-19 virus and pandemic and part of my 10-year study on biotech/GMOs.

If you are not the proper receiver, please be kind enough to forward to the right recipient(s).

Hopefully, everyone can find something new, surprising, true, thoughtful and helpful in this long article.

I’m trying my best to be as unbiased, rational and scientific as possible during my writing process, but I still cannot help occasionally doing otherwise, factually calling GMO proponents “liars, evils and devils” and calling  

 USA “the No. 1 devil”.

If you feel offended at this, please think how many people have been poisoned and killed by biotoxin-saturated GMO food and GMO medicine derived from biotech originated from USA, and how may disasters the live-to-kill No. 1 devil USA has brought to the world.

This article is for free distribution, discussion, investigation and/or free publishing in part or in whole without significant change to my meaning, and should not be used for commercial purpose, as my only purpose is to reveal the truth and facts to as many people as possible,especially professional people and powerful people, and make the world a better, safe, healthy and peaceful human place to live for the Chinese people, the American people and all other people in the world.

Let’s hope that human society will soon beat the deadly COVID-19 pandemic and we can enjoy a bright future together.

Thanks & best regards,

Sunshine Li, China


This dot-connecting article is fundamentally based on scientific studies,factual reports and long-time facts on which my dot-connecting analyses, hypotheses and conclusions are based.

If you do not believe in science, truth and facts, you can call it “conspiracy theory” or whatever.

Usually we say “long story short”, but when it comes to the origin of the COVID-19 viruses, I have to make a short story long, because so many people have been infected and so many people have been killed in the world in the past one year, yet even till now, the origin of the deadly COVID-19 virus remains a mystery.

It takes only a few words to speak out the real origin, but it needs abundant scientific evidence, facts, hypotheses, analyses and verifications to make the conclusion reasonable, factual, acceptable, convincing and scientifically reliable to an inverted mainstream world. So, it has to be a long story.

As this full-scale/comprehensive scientific dot-connecting work seems not to have been done by anyone else so far, it deserves some due attention in the process of investigating and determining the real origin of COVID-19 virus, and hopefully, through joint international efforts, highly possible future recurrences similar to the most deadly COVID-19 pandemic can be effectively prevented.

Nowadays, bacteria, viruses, biotoxins, agriculture and food are often related with biotech, therefore, genetic engineering/modification/editing (biotech) and GMO food are also discussed toward the end of this article.

  1. Studies and facts scientifically prove that bats’ natural coronaviruses do not infect human cells and do not cause an epidemic or a pandemic even if they have entered human blood.

There have long been false scientific claims that the deadly SARS epidemic in 2003 was caused by bats’ natural coronaviruses, followed by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2019 .

However, the study in 2007 below has scientifically denied such claims because bats’ natural coronaviruses do not infect human cells even under lab conditions:

Difference in Receptor Usage between Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus and SARS-Like Coronavirus of Bat Origin

15 November 2007



[the SL-CoV S (SARS-like coronavirus spike protein) was unable to use any of the three ACE2 molecules as its receptor.

Our results indicated that the SL-CoV S protein is unable to use ACE2 proteins of different species for cell entry]

Though study after study, claim after claim, bat research scientists seemed not satisfied with their own conclusion and work, and finally they traced villagers with bats’ natural coronaviruses in their blood.

The horseshoe bats in the cave nearby the villagers were scientifically believed to be the culprit of SARS epidemic in China in 2002~2003, and now the culprit of worldwide COVID-19 pandemic.

It seemed to be a very important scientific discovery and the scientists claimed that this was the most important evidence that bats’ natural coronaviruses could jump intermediary hosts and directly infect humans and cause an epidemic or a pandemic.

No matter how perfect a scientific imagination, hypothesis and claim can be, facts always speak louder.

The fact is that the horseshoe bats have been living in the caves in the village in Yunnan Province in the southwest of China for hundreds, thousands or even millions of years and the bats’ natural coronaviruses have long sporadically entered human blood, but there has never been a record of an epidemic or a pandemic caused by the bats’ natural coronaviruses in the village, the township, the city, or in Yunnan Province.

So, it can be safely said that the bats’ natural coronaviruses are harmless even if they have entered human blood:

Human-animal interactions and bat coronavirus spillover potential among rural residents in Southern China

September 2019


[Direct contact with bats was not identified as a risk factor.

This study found serological evidence for bat-borne coronavirus transmission to people.

A total of 1,596 residents were enrolled in the study from 2015 to 2017. Nine participants (0.6%) tested positive for bat coronaviruses. This study provides serological evidence of bat coronavirus spillover in rural communities in Southern China. The low seroprevalence observed in this study suggests that bat coronavirus spillover is a rare event. Nonetheless, this study highlights associations between human-animal interaction andzoonotic spillover risk. These findings can be used to support targeted biological behavioral surveillance in high-risk geographic areas in order to reduce the risk of zoonotic disease emergence.]

In China, bats often cluster under the roof of old houses. Some of them even fly into the houses and are caught by kids and become their playthings. This has been happening for thousands of years, but there has been no record of an epidemic or a pandemic caused by bats.

Another typical example is: in a village in Henan Province in mid-China, villagers there have been co-existing very well with bats in the bat cave in the mountain above the village with a record of hundreds of years. There is a big spring in the cave. All bats just hang over the spring by clinging to the top of the cave. For these recorded hundreds of years, the villagers have been drinking water from the spring and they have been healthy and wise without any record of epidemics or pandemics caused by the bats.

Therefore, it can be safely and scientifically concluded that bats’ natural coronaviruses,mutated or not, recombined or not, DO NOT infect humans and cause an epidemic or a pandemic, unless they are lab/man-made or genetically modified/engineered/edited chimeric/recombinant coronaviruses!

  1. All studies that tried to prove or hypothesized that bat’s natural coronaviruses could infect human cells or humans and cause an epidemic or a pandemic are falsely manipulated: beginning in science but ending in scientific deceptions and lies!

As a rule, before deceptions in science are torn apart, they are all regarded as science. It is the same with scientific deception on bat’s natural coronaviruses.

Those scientists set out to prove that bats’ natural coronaviruses could infect human cells. But as shown in Point 1 above, scientific studies and facts have denied this claim.

In order to force their false claim on bat’s natural coronaviruses, those scientists thought out a clever and wise professional method to deceive the scientific world and the public:

A(bats’ natural coronoviruses) + B(SARS coronaviruses) = C(AB lab/man-made coronaviruses),therefore, C=A, A=C

So, when actually A does not infect human cells but B and C do, those scientists draw the conclusion that A can infect human cells and can cause an epidemic or a pandemic!

We can simplify this scientific and professional deception as below:

A(safe water) + B(poison or toxin) =C(AB as poisoned water), therefore, C(poisoned water)=A(safe water), A(safe water)=C(poisoned water)

Will anyone with the right mind believe and accept this illogical and ridiculous conclusion? No, but those scientists, the deceived ones, the media and journals have firmly believed so.

When those scientists claimed that bat’s natural coronaviruses infected human cells, they never used bat’s natural coronaviruses but used their lab/man-made chimeric/recombinant coronaviruses created through genetic modification/engineering/editing by inserting SARS genes that infect humans. Aren’t those studies flagrant scientific and professional deceptions and lies?

Please see evidence below for your own verification:

Discovery of a rich gene pool of bat SARS-related coronaviruses provides new insights into the origin of SARS coronavirus

November 30, 2017

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